Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Would You Buy it Wednesday: Table Lamp

I found this table lamp at my favorite thrift store on Monday.  My sister and I had gone there in the hopes of getting a bird cage for her to decorate. Unfortunately, they forgot to bring it from their other store so she had to wait another day.

I bought this in the hopes that Ryker would not be able to break it. He has a running record of breaking lamps. It has a magazine rack on the bottom. It needs to be repainted. I paid $5 for it. Would you have bought it?

I also found some more owls at another thrift store.

The two brown ones are wall hangings. The Snow Owl was priced at $5.99 and I asked if I could get a better price since it was chipped in three spots. They marked it down to $1.99 It never hurts to ask for a lower price. The worse they can say is no (and call you a cheapskate behind your back.) On Ebay that Snow Owl, titled Arctic Flight, recently sold at auction for over $50

linking to Junker Newbie

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

WTF Tuesday: Clown Stuck In drum

This is why clowns should never be allowed to play a drum.

Someone actually bought this... Linking up with Sir Thrift A Lot

Monday, September 26, 2011

Weekend Finds: Owls, A Suitcase and More

On Saturday we got to check out the new Goodwill in Rib Mountain. It was still quite crowded but I did manage to find a few items. They did not have much of a selection for toys but I found a Stitch plush and a Victoria Secret Pink dog. I also found an owl trivet. The Alf puppet was found by my DH at a garage sale he went to earlier.

paid $4.72

On Friday, I found a vintage suitcase along with some more Little Golden books and owls at my favorite thrift store. I just love the gourd with the owl etched into it. It is currently being displayed in my bird cage.

paid $5.28

I am selling the two white owls but am keeping the other two.

I love this little red suitcase and it will be hard to part with once it sells. I'm really hoping the ripped pocket does not deter potential buyers. I thought of fixing it but I have no sewing ability whatsoever.

linking to Apron Thrift Girl

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Give Away Winner

The winner of my Starbucks blog giveaway was comment number 22 which corresponds to Tina Shake. Tina please send me your mailing address. Thanks to everyone for entering.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Bird Cage Makeover

Two weeks ago I found a bird cage at my favorite thrift for $2. DH finally painted it and it was now ready to decorate. I found an owl,  3 eggs (Two I am selling on Ebay) some fake leaves and a tree trunk at the consignment shop and a white pumpkin with an owl etched in it at the thrift store. Here are the before and after pictures.

Before pictures:

After picture

All decorated:

total cost $12.03

linking to The Brambleberry Cottage

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Goodwill and A Toddler Size Table

A new Goodwill store opened today closer to our house. We got there at 10:30 and the parking lot was full along with the side street and a neighboring store. I told hubby there were too many people and we would not get a cart. He agreed and took me to the other GW in Weston. There I found a toddler size table with 3 chairs. DH asked me why the chairs were different sizes. Only one chair was bigger than the other two and I am not sure why. I put that one up in our closet. We can't have mismatched chairs now can we?

paid $6.99 for the table and chairs

I was very excited to find another VTG Smurf sheet. I had sold one earlier this year for around $35 and I happened to find the exact same one. I already have it listed in my store. Judging from completes, they sell better at auction but my luck is I get one bid and end up selling cheap. (example: Earlier this week I put my Hidden Mickey Duffy Bear with a starting bid of $9.99. It sold for that price. Even though it was not an unique color, I should have gotten more for it)

I will keep the books for Ryker. I paid $4.99 for them and on EBay new ones are selling for $14.95. Since mine are used, I won't get that price. The ABC Delivery truck is missing one card so we will be keeping that too.

I think this Build A Bear monkey is cute but I read if you find BAB with clothes, you should sell the clothes and re donate the animal. BAB clothing sells for a good price. The animals do not. However, I just left the monkey as is and listed him in my store. Someone might think he is as cute as I do. I also found some BAB black shoes. I thought the blue shoes were BAB as well since they were in the same bag but they are not. They are Cabbage Patch Kids.

Last week I found this heart shaped end table at my favorite thrift store. It needs a new top but for $3 I can't complain.

and one more owl I found along with the puppies. The other two owls and the candle holders I got at the consignment shop.

paid: $1.44

owls $2.50 each Holders $3.25 each

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Would You buy it Wednesday: VTG Rocking Chair

I found this rocking chair yesterday at my favorite thrift. It is the perfect size for Ryker. I want to repaint it white and reupholster it with a dark blue or black. I plan to paint the bench I found Monday to match and make a cushion for it as well.


linking up with Junker Newbie

Monday, September 19, 2011

The $5 Bench and Other Finds

I have been looking for a bench to put under my window and today I found one at my favorite thrift. (I found out last week that the store is moving across town and I will no longer be able to walk there. So sad... Seriously, this may cause me to have a breakdown.)


I plan on painting it white and then adding a cushion.

I also found this sweet little tea set in a basket. It only has a setting for two. (Two for tea and tea for two...come on you know the words. Now that song will stick in your head for the rest of the day. My work here is done.)

I found this odd bear. The tag reads "The Real Hide Bear" 1986 Monarch Toy Co. You can flip his muzzle up and it changes into a smile face. He also has different colors on his feet inside. There is only one listed on Ebay. I plan on listing mine as soon as I do some research on him.

I also got a clock for my living room, a 1984 Place and Trace for resale and a pack of unopened vintage playing cards. I'm not sure if there is a market for playing cards but I like the picture on them.

Robbie also found two pocket games and a camera for himself.

Linking up to Apron Thrift Girl

Sunday, September 18, 2011

50 Followers And A Blog Giveaway

I have reached my goal of 50 followers and as promised I am going to do a giveaway. The winner will receive some thrifted Starbucks goodies (a bearista bunny, a 15 ounce coffee cup) and a $5 gift card to Starbucks. Giveaway is limited to only the United States. If you live outside of the states, please do not enter.

How to enter:

First become a follower if you are not already following
Like my page on facebook: To The Toy Box and Beyond
Leave me a comment stating you have done so

For additional entries: up to 2 more

Share my giveaway on facebook or twitter
Mention my giveaway on your blog
Leave me an additional comment for each entry

This contest will end next Sunday, September 25 at 10 pm Eastern time. will be used in picking which number comment wins. Good luck!

Treasure Sale

Yesterday, I went to St Matthew's Annual Attic and Treasure Sale. It is a huge event held for two days. I wanted to go again today but it has been raining all morning and this is held outside under big tents. I wish I had taken some pictures to show but DH wanted me to hurry up. He waited in the truck. Since I was under a time frame and it was crowded, I only got a few items. I wanted to check out the book tent but there were to many people to manuever a stroller through. Here is what I found:

paid: $2.60

We also went to some garage sales. The brown picture frame I redid yesterday. You can see the makeover here I found my first Starbucks coffee cup and another Fire King cereal bowl which I am keeping. The Blue's Clue's puzzle is going into a lot I am making.

paid: $3.50

Here are some thrift store finds from earlier this week.


I am keeping the computer and book for Ryker. The dolls are up for auction but have no bids. I'm not sure what I am going to do with the cards. It is not a full deck but the pictures are cute and I was thinkng I could do some craft project with them.

Since Ryker moved into a big boy bed, I went looking for a bed rail to prevent him for falling out. I found this along with a Diego plush and a rotary phone on Friday.

paid $3.18

Unfortunately, the rail is meant for a twin size or bigger bed and is not safe to use with Ryker. (He climbs over it which defeats the purpose)I have listed it on Craig's List. It has a retail value of $40.

That's it for now. I still have some other finds from earlier this week but I will stop boring you and post them at another time. If you are new to reading my blog, please consider becoming a follower. Once I hit 50, I will do a giveaway. I am currently at 48.

linking up to Her Library Adventures

Saturday, September 17, 2011

A Picture Frame Makeover

Yes, Martha Stewart, I can Do It Myself... just barely. I was inspired by Laura over at My Dear Trash to make over this picture frame I found at a garage sale for $2. (I also found a Blue's Clues puzzle, a Fire King cereal bowl and a Starbucks mug)

The picture frame was covered in that cheap brown faux leather which was peeling off. I decided to help it along and peel off all of it.

Next I took off all the hardwear.

Sounds simple right? You would be wrong. Some of the screws would not come out but I wasn't about to give up. I used pliers to pull the screws out and continued to proceed. I took the two pieces outside to paint.

Ryker decided he wanted to help. (Not really. He just wanted his picture taken)

This is the first project I have attempted to redo. I think it turned out well.

At least Ryker thinks so...

linking to The Brambleberry Cottage

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Hidden Treasure Chest

Yesterday while out thrifting, I found that flowery mess above. It was hideous but on closer examination, I uncovered a hidden treasure chest.

I checked to see if it closed. Yes, it would close once all that crap was taken out. I decided to purchase it in the hopes of changing it back to the chest. I figured the styrofoam would easily come out and voila, a treasure chest. I was wrong. What I thought would only take a few minutes, ended up taking almost an hour. Once I removed all the flowers, I came to the styrofoam. It was glued in!!!!

Ok so a slight setback but I wasn't about to give up yet. On the suggestion of my hubby, I got a putty knife and started to scrape away. Then I hit another roadblock. WTF? Someone had super glued rocks in there!! Who would do such a thing???

I thought for sure I would end up breaking the box trying to pry all those rocks out. Luckily, I didn't and this is the end result.

I'm thinking of either lining the box with fabric or shelf paper. For now it is sitting under the side table I also found yesterday. Any sugestions on how to remove the remaining glue?