Sunday, August 31, 2014

Kicking Facebook To The Curb (Almost)

Like most people, I spend too much time on Facebook. I was neglecting my own life in favor of people I haven't even meet. I could spend hours reading status updates, postings in groups, liking pages etc. Not only was I wasting my time, it was affecting my mental health as well. I spent days crying because I wasn't invited to a going away party for a coworker I hadn't seen in years. Jealousy would overcome me. You went to Outback again this week? Hmmm, I can barely afford McDonald's. Oh those vacay photos of you at Disneyland. How thoughtful of you to share when I couldn't take my kids to the county fair. You get the point. I know I have plenty to be thankful for, but Facebook was not helping.

I didn't want to remove my profile completely, so I am making it a little harder to access the page. I deleted the app from my kindle and removed the bookmark from my computer. If I have to type the address in, I might be more inclined to stay off of it.  I also did some friend clean up. If you can't take the time to like or comment on my posts, why are we friends? I removed some groups as well. Wasting time reading about other people's problems with Ebay wasn't helping me at all. I barely posted in those groups and when I did, I would only get one or two responses.

I always tease my sister about her not having a Facebook page but maybe she has the right idea. Guess I will see how long I can stay off it. Hopefully, I don't replace it with something else.

Do you have a Facebook page? Are you spending way too much time there?


  1. I don't have a Facebook and I'm kinda glad. Here's an interesting post I came across that you might want to read:

  2. Yeah I deleted FB for a while too but there were too many people I couldn't contact otherwise (and we do lots of church related messaging etc that way) I don't have apps or any extra groups and try to limit my time....I hardly post status updates also. I also get really frustrated with vaca pics LOL. There is a woman at church who doesn't do FB but she is way more productive than any of the rest of us Facebookers :D

  3. I joined FB when I went back to school to mainly keep up with everyone and schoolwork etc. Now that I am through with school I have no reason to go on FB. Everyone that matters to me can be reached by phone much easier and I get to hear their voice. Good for you for pulling the plug. I could only take so much of I bought this, I went here, I had this for lunch....I don't miss it at all.

  4. I play a few inane games on Facebook when I have time to waste but don't bother much otherwise, I'm content with my blog to toddle along and grow at a steady pace under its own steam without Twitter Facebook or any other distraction

  5. I haven't left facebook, but I've done a lot of friend and groups clean-up. I deleted any negative groups and also any friends who were constantly posting negative posts or pity party posts. For some reason, I think people will post a lot more on facebook than they would actually ever say to someone's face. People get rude and ugly, and i don't have time for that.

  6. I'm on facebook too, but don't spend more than a couple of minutes a day on it. I actually mostly use it for my Live Like No One Else site and things of interest pertaining to that, as well as my regular business (clients often contact me there). But I hate getting sucked in to seeing what everyone is posting and usually limited myself to just a couple of minutes. Ain't nobody got time for that!!!! With regards to TV, I used to tell my kids to go and live life instead of watching others do it on TV. No I tell people the same thing about Facebook!
