I actually did not go thrifting today. These are items I found last week. Not much for resale but I did find a couple of cool things for myself.
Backwards clock. It's a little confusing at first but I had to buy it. My sister saw it and told me about it. I asked her where it was and she pointed to it at the checkout. I asked if it was for sale and they said $5 Do you want to buy it? I said sure I'll buy it and then the cashier asked me if I could read it. I said yes it's 2:20 which was the right time.
retro office chair
vintage carpet purse
chenille bedspread I wish I could get a better photo because it would probably sell if my photos didn't suck so much.
Handmade zodiac quilt
Fisher Price crib hugger doll. Her arms wrap around the bars of the crib.
Holly Hobby doll
Remington hot rollers Not the tight curls but should sell ok
Vintage pencil sharpener
Mickey Mouse yahtzee
some spice shakers. I wish I had the whole set
I normally do not buy Webkinz unless it is something I know sells for big money but I thought the Gold signature was worth more but I guess it depends on the animal. I got 2 chimps. (not big money makers)
I already sold this vintage cat. It had no tag so I was guessing at the price and accepted a best offer of $21.25
If you see anything you would like to buy, send me an email at krzi1@yahoo.com or check out my ebay store here
Happy Valentine's Day!
19 hours ago