The thrift store by my house had 50% off today. I actually found more here than I did at the treasure sale last weekend.
I found a bunch of cute plush. I thought the small koala bear went with a hugging one I already had that was missing her baby. They are different colors but I put them together anyways. I have no idea if the little rainbow plush is a frog or a duck. I listed it as both. The Simba is the Kissing one but I didnt find Nala.
The Bierderlack blankets usually sell well on Ebay. This one was a NY Yankees. I really liked the green KangaROOS but they are not my size. It was kind of weird getting them because I had picked up the one shoe and shortly after, an older lady grabbed the other. She said they looked too small to be a 9. Then she asked the manager how much the shoes were. I wasn't sure if she was going to give me the shoe or not. She eventually did.
Some vintage Trapper Keepers can go for good money. This plain one doesn't sell for much. I found the microphone to the Fisher Price Super Star stage in one of the bargain bags. It is always a good idea to check those bags. The butter dish is for me.
I don't normally buy breakables or decorative items but these vases were too nice to pass up. The brownish striped one was made in Italy and one recently sold for $75. The black ones are metal and made in India. I am keeping the cat dish.
If you are interested in any of these items, check out my store on Ebay.
Let the Good Times Roll!
2 weeks ago
Ooh! I love those lime green sneakers!