Since my sales have flat lined for the last three months, I decided to downgrade my Ebay store from the premium to the basic. I will get less listings (150 verses 500) but with all the free promotions Ebay has given out in the past year, what is the point of paying $40 more each month?
I decided to move more of my vintage items to my Etsy shop. Granted, I don't get much traffic but if I spend more time there tweaking my listings and less time worrying about why my Ebay sales are in the toilet, I may actually sell something.
I've also reopened my Addoway storefront. I got one sale there so far but since it is free to list, I have nothing to lose. I'm also going to work on selling more items on Face Book and Craigslist.
Since I only will have 150 listings to work with, unless I get more free specials, I'm going to be more selective with what I buy. All my low price items I have currently listed on Ebay, I will move to my Bonanza booth and to FB.
I hope I can save some money and make some sales. Not selling anything for almost a week has caused so much stress in my life. It shouldn't be this way. I don't know if somehow Ebay has black listed me? It's just so weird to go this long without a sale. Someone is coming over in a few minutes to look at my Harley jacket. I hope it fits her. If not, I will be relisting it with Ebay's free auction special they have until the 2nd.
How have your sales been?
The Lion Cut.
2 days ago