The first item I love is this Musical pull toy by Kids 11. If you pull his loop, he will stretch out and play "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star." He will help your baby fall asleep.
Another item to help your child fall asleep are these womb bears by Dex. They are made to play heartbeat and womb sounds. Once your baby no longer needs the sounds to fall asleep, you can remove the unit and use the bears as loveys.
If your child prefers a different animal to fall asleep to, there is this musical lamb by Soft dreams. She is similair to the bear and also plays a lullaby when her loop is pulled.
This last item is a praying puppy. Touch his belly and he says " Dear lord hear my prayer for all your creatures everywhere, for animals both big and small and for my pets, please bless them all. He is also by Kids 11.
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