Have you tried selling your items on Facebook yet? It's like Craigslist. However you need to find a group in your area or start one. This is the group I belong too. I have sold a few things there lately. Nothing for big money. (Our group mostly consists of bargain hunters and garage sale sellers.) I also bought my owl lamps from this group.
Yesterday, I sold my bird cage.
When I bought it, I thought it would look great as a decoration. I had it in my living room for a few months and after picking it back up for the hundredth time, (little man could not leave his hands off it) I took the owl and leaves out and in the basement it went. I listed it a few days ago and someone messaged me wondering if I would take $20 for it. I only paid $3, so I told her yes. She picked it up yesterday. She is going to use it to hold cards at her daughter's wedding and then as a plant holder afterwards.
Tomorrow, I will be selling my Mickey and Minnie Learn to dress dolls. I have had them listed on Ebay since the summer. Bill had gone to a garage sale and purchased 3 paper bags of toys for $5. Most have sold except for a few things including these dolls. I was offered $10 and accepted. Hopefully they will show up.
I really like selling things on Facebook but like I said, I don't make alot of money there but every little bit helps. And the best part: No paying fees to Ebay or Paypal.
Let the Good Times Roll!
1 week ago
I had or may still have one of those learn to dress mickey mouse dolls.