Went Friday with my sister to the thrift store and this is what I found:
The camera is for Robbie, the car is for Ryker and the dog treats jar is for Garret. The treats jar was nasty. Why do people donate dirty things? It even had some moldy dog treats inside. It took me over an hour to clean it and it smelled bad. When you open it's head, it plays Who let the Dogs Out and Nothing But a Hound Dog.
The litho sketches are by Arthur Vines. I wasn't sure what to price them at and I have no idea what year they were made. They are beautiful sketches and hopefully they will sell for my asking price.

A worker (Tim) at the thrift store tried to talk me out of buying the My First Sony Cassette-Corder. In fact, he even grabbed it out of my hands! Here's what happened. The day before, I saw the toy sitting on a table. I asked another worker if it was for sale. He said yes but they had to check to see if it was working. I waited around but no one seemed to be doing any work at the table so I left. I figured if it was meant to be mine, it will be there the next day. Sure enough, it was sitting on another table with a $1 price tag. Except now there wasn't any cassette tape in it to test it. I pushed all the buttons and they seemed to be working but I wanted to be sure. This is where Tim comes into the picture. I asked him if it worked and he said no. The sound was really garbled. He added "I would hate for you to waste your money on this" and then he grabbed it out of my hands. I must have looked dissapointed, sad or upset because he then asked me what I was going to do with it. I thought to myself "I am going to sell it on Ebay. I should get at least $30 for it." Of course I did not say that and he asked if I was going to give it to my baby (Ryker) I said no I was actually going to let Robbie have it. He then said "well if it was up to me I would give it to you for free. How about I mark it a quarter?" He put a new price sticker on it and gave it back.

I then went over to the cassettes and found one to test the player. Sure enough, the first tape I played was all garbled and then, opps, the player ate the tape. I pulled the tape out making sure all the ribbon was out of it. I tried another tape. It played perfectly and wasn't garbled. I have since cleaned the player up and have not had a problem with it.
Ok now for the GIVEAWAY!!!!! Once I hit 50 followers, I will do a blog giveaway. I'm not sure what the lucky winner will get but follow me for your chance to win. Tell your friends too. I only need 20 more followers to reach my goal.
Thanks for stopping by.
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Yard Sale Mommy