I went to an estate sale on Friday with my sister. They had a lot of great stuff and I wish I had brought along my camera. Unfortunately, everything was out of my price range except this vintage travel bag. I paid $2 and when I got it home, the handle broke. (sad face)
You ever find something you really love and list it on Ebay for crazy high because you don't really want to sell it? I found these cute animal lithographs at Goodwill and can't seem to part with them. I love the blue eyes on the ferret.
At the Dime and Dollar, I found this Pat Pat Rocket plush book bag. It cost more than I usually spend but there are only a few listed on Ebay. Hopefully, I will get my asking price.
Of course, no shopping trip would be complete without an owl. This is a candle holder.
The Lion Cut.
2 days ago